Test Page

Hello students!


New to wikis?  No worries, just play around on this page to get your bearings.  This page is specifically here for you to edit, delete, and test out all the neat things that a wiki like this has to offer.



This is a sample footnote.  To add one of your own, go to Insert -> More Plugins -> Teaching Tools -> Footnote. [1] 


Here is a horizontal line.  To add one, go to Insert -> Horizontal Line.




Here's an embedded YouTube Video on how to add a picture to a wiki article in PBworks.  Watch the tutorial to find out how to do this yourself.  If you want to embed a YouTube video, go to Insert -> Video -> YouTube and paste in the "embed" code from the YouTube page for the video you want to embed.


YouTube plugin error


You can also embed other items into a PBworks wiki page using HTML and Javascript.  To do so, go to Insert -> HTML/JavaScript.


Here's an example twitter feed:


  1. 2010, Matt Marnell